Why should you go solar sooner rather than later? Due to recent events and the ongoing health crisis we seem to be spending more time in our homes. In addition, the summer heat is upon us which means we are using our air conditioning systems and fans more often. Not only is our time at home increasing, but our utility bills are too. Investing money into your home is never a bad idea, especially now that it has become a place where we spend the majority of our time. In addition to this, Southern California Edison has recently submitted an application to the California Public Utilities Commission asking to increase electricity rates by a total of 20.1 percent in 2021. Over time this will largely affect energy consumers who rely on Southern California Edison for their Electric Power.

According to Noozhawk’s Jade Martinez-Pogue, if SCE’s proposal is approved, residential rates would increase by 14.4 percent, large power customer groups would see an 8.9 percent increase.

Utility companies have to file for a state-mandated process called General Rate Cases every four years, which is why SCE has submitted this proposal. This process sets the rates that customers have to pay in order to fund electric and gas companies. The rates include any equipment maintenance and electricity grid updates that might be needed.
“SCE recognizes that these are unprecedented times. We understand that many Californians are struggling in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said SCE spokesperson Ron Gales.“The GRC strikes a balance between strengthening reliability, helping California meet its clean-energy goals, and adapting to the year-round threat of frequent and extreme wildfires,” Gales said.
The Public Advocate's Office and the CPUC have been reviewing SCE’s application in order to ensure consumers are paying the lowest possible rates for services consistent with the state’s environmental policy goals.
There have been various forums and reading of public comments regarding the upcoming increases. As soon as we are informed on a decision we will update you. Here is SCE rate increase proposal: https://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Efile/G000/M311/K582/311582915.PDF
Being able to produce your own solar energy would mean that you would not have to rely on companies like Southern California Edison for electricity. If your solar energy system produces more energy than what you use, then your electricity company will have to pay YOU.